Your gift will help save the orangutan


Your emergency gift will support the vital protection of Critically Endangered orangutans and their habitat  during the COVID-19 crisis.


Young, orphaned orangutans are facing yet another battle. As the COVID-19 pandemic surges through Indonesia, hundreds of rescued orangutans are at risk, as food and medicine prices soar, and become increasingly difficult to access.

Worse still, with most of the county in lockdown, illegal syndicates are seizing the opportunity to log habitat, encroach protected forests and prey on vulnerable species including Critically Endangered orangutans.  

In the last few weeks, we’ve seized 15 illegal logging trucks in the Bukit Tigapuluh ecosystem, and our rescue teams continue to conduct urgent rescue missions throughout Sumatra and Kalimantan. 

In our care centres, staff have had to leave their families and communities, and lock down with rescued orangutans to provide round the clock care throughout the crisis. And our staff outside our rescue centres are having to travel further distances each day, to access food, medicines and essential supplies to keep our rescue centres running.

And every day, these supplies get more expensive as our funding sources plunge. 

Please give an Emergency Gift today to support the vital protection of orangutans and their habitat  during the COVID-19 crisis.

Your gift will help resource round the clock care for the precious orangutans in our rescue centres, and provide fresh fruits and other urgent supplies, all of which have become expensive and extremely difficult to access since Indonesia went into regional lockdowns. It will also help us purchase medicines, hand sanitisers, masks, gloves and medical supplies.

Your gift will also help our Wildlife Protection Units stop the illegal logging and poaching networks in their tracks and resource our rescue workers with protective gear, masks, hand sanitisers and cleaning gear, so we don’t miss a single opportunity to rescue displaced, captive and at-risk orangutans during this time of crisis.

We know it’s a difficult time - but if you could please give even a small amount to our emergency fund, you will be helping orangutans survive the repercussions of this global crisis and go on to live safe, wild and free, for the generations to come.

Thank you and stay safe. 

You can also make a tax deductible donation through our Canada affiliate WCI Canada Foundation